Neeraj GS


A Full Stack Developer

Currently building projects and expanding knowledge in Web3.0 and AI.

TechStack: | Next.js | React.js Typescript | Node.js | MongoDB | SQL | Prisma ORM | Docker| AWS | GraphQL | Tailwind CSS |

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About Me

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Full Stack Developer with an immense knowledge in various frameworks, databses, and languages with best code practices.
Passionate about Blockchain, AI and Open Source.
Worked on various software development projects and I am currently looking to expand and apply my knowledge in a professional setting.

  • My Skills:

    ❖ Languages : TypeScript, Solidity ,JavaScript, Java ,Python
    ❖ Frameworks : React.js , Next.js ,GraphQL, Node.js ,Tailwind
    ❖ Databases : PostgreSQL , MongoDB , MySQL , PrismaORM ,Redis
    ❖ Other Tools: Linux , AWS , Docker, CI/CD,OpenAI API

My Recent Projects

Course App [FullStack + AI]

CourseGen AI

An Online Learning platform , to Create your own customized Best Course using AI. Creates course from freely available videos that are Ranked the best.
Tech Stack:NextJs, ReactJs, Youtube API , Unsplash API , OpenAI API, Docker , Prisma ORM ,MySQL ,TypeScript , Next-Auth ,Github Actions CI-CD ,Tailwind CSS , VPS Server Setup

AI Chrome Extension


An AI Integrated Chrome extension that generates Cover Letter for a Job Posting Site , As of Now integrated on Linkedin.
Takes your Uploaded Resume and scrapes the Job Description and generates your own customized cover letter , and increases the chances of getting shortisted.
TechStack: React.JS, OpenAI API , JavaScript , Tailwind CSS, ShadCN UI, Web Scraping.

GPT 5.0 [Full Stack + AI]


An AI Saas Platform that generates Images,Videos,Music,Code and Chat using OpenAI API. An Enhanced version of ChatGPT
TechStack: NextJS, TypeScript, ReactJS, Prisma ORM, MySQL ,TailwindCSS , OpenAI API.

Weather App [Frontend+ API]


A Real Time Weather App, Allows users to Search and check climate of a particular place, also gives climate based on the users geolocation.
Tech Stack:ReactJs , Open Weather API , TypeScript , CSS ,HTML.

Social Media [Full Stack]


Social Media App, that allows users to connect with friends all around the world. Has all the interaction features of a socail media Platform
Tech Stack: NextJs, ReactJs , TypeScript , GraphQL , Prisma ORM , PostgreSQL , Redis,JSON Web Tokens ,Tailwind CSS ,Codegen , Graphql Request, React Query, AWS.

Notes App [Full Stack + AI]


A Note Taking App that is Integrated with AI , that auto-completes the Notes helping generating fast notes and boost productivity. Integrated with DALL-E to generate images based on description
TechStack: NextJs , TypeScript , TailwindCSS , OpenAI API , ReactJs , PostgreSQL , FireBase , DrizzleORM

Storage[Full Stack+ CRUD]


An online storage app that stores your files on the internet and can be accessed from anywhere. Allows to share files with others and collaborate with others. Implemented All CRUD operations/
TechStack: NextJs , TypeScript ,FireBase , ReactJs , Tailwind CSS , ShadCN UI.


Complete Backend [GraphQL + Docker]

Threads App Backned

Threads App Backend using GraphQL that has all the GraphQL functionalities and allows users to interact.
Will be developing Frontend Soon...
TechStack: GraphQL , Apollo , TypeScript , Prisma ORM , ExpressJS ,PostgreSQL , Docker , Docker Compose


Complete Backend [Node.js +Express.Js]

Gmail Auto Reply

A Backend Service that Auto Replies to Mails when you are not able to reply and creates a label for all replied messages for future reference
Will be developing Frontend Soon...
TechStack: Node.js, Express.js, Oauth2, GmailAPI, JavaScript


A Landing Page, for a Shoe Store to shop Quality shoes. Completely Responsive Website.
TechStack: ReactJs , Tailwind CSS , TypeScript ,Responsive Design

Game [Frontend]

Tic Tac Toe Game

A Game that allows users to enter Either X or O and the player who first their X or O in the same line Row Wise,Column Wise or Diagnolly Wins the Game.
TechStack: ReactJs , JavaScript , CSS ,HTML.

Smart Contract Arbitrage

Flash Loan on BNB

A Smart contract that implements flash loan using the triangular arbitrage using BUSB,WBNB,CAKE coins to take flashloan and make profits.
Tech Stack: Hardhat, Solidity, JavaScript, PanCake Swap, Pancake Protocol

Full-Stack dAPP

Buy Me Coffe

A Full-Stack Decentralized Application that allows users/visitors to transfer amount into the owner , to show their Support for them. All transactions can be viewd by users.
Tech Stack: Solidity, Ether.js, Hardhat, React.js, Tailwind CSS


Portfolio website [Frontend]

My Portfolio Website

You Are Currently viewing This Site.


Solidity + Remix

ERC 20 - Token

ERC 20 Token from scratch implementing all the required 6 functions for an ERC 20 tokens along with events Tech Stack: Solidity, RemixIDE, Metamask, OpenZepplin

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